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GALLIUM, HWK, SWIX, SOLDA snowboard & ski waxes - Leht 3
- Solda HC28 HYDROCARBON (2 x gr.250)Special Price 47,20 € Regular Price 59,00 €Süsivesinikupõhine suusavaha, mis on mõeldud madala ja keskmise õhuniiskuse tingimuste jaoks.
- HWK LX Basespray allround, 90ml25,00 €fluorine-free service and training spray for all snow conditions.
- Solda LINEA SUPER red 180grSpecial Price 5,60 € Regular Price 7,00 €Excellent 100% hydrocarbon skiwaxes for conditions of low and mid air humidity.
- Solda LINEA SUPER Yellow 180grSpecial Price 5,60 € Regular Price 7,00 €Excellent 100% hydrocarbon skiwaxes for conditions of low and mid air humidity.
- HWK HX Hydrospray Middle, 90ml39,00 €fluorine-free service, training and racing wax for all wet snow types
- HWK HX Hydrospray Cold, 90ml39,00 €fluorine-free service, training and racing wax for all cold and dry snow types
- Swix PS8 Liquid Red -4°C...+4°C, 80mlSpecial Price 16,80 € Regular Price 21,00 €PS8 Liquid Red 80ml on universaalne vedel libisemisvaha, mille töö temperatuur on -4°C kuni +4°C.
- Solda SF SUPERSPEED PASTE Green, 75mlSpecial Price 23,20 € Regular Price 29,00 €Mõeldud kõrgetasemeliseks suusatamiseks, sobib transformeerunud lumele ja õhuniiskusele 50-100%
- Solda SF SUPERSPEED PASTE Red, 75mlSpecial Price 23,20 € Regular Price 29,00 €Mõeldud kõrgetasemeliseks suusatamiseks, sobib transformeerunud lumele ja õhuniiskusele 50-100%